“Smarter Carbon will aid SMEs to achieve carbon reduction and increased efficiency. Not only will this assist the UK in achieving the aims set out in the Clean Growth Strategy, but it will also help these businesses, which are vital to the economy, to achieve growth, competitive advantage, increased innovation and improved brand reputation.”

Rt. Hon. Geoffrey Cox QC.,
MP for Torridge & West Devon

Smarter Carbon

Business Carbon

Thanks to David Attenborough and Gretta Thunberg, we are all aware of the need to reduce our carbon footprints. However, businesses represent over 22% of the region’s carbon footprint, and to date, there has been little support to help them address this.

Smarter Carbon meets this need by providing an end-to-end service to SME decarbonisation.

The Solution

We offer a on-site carbon audit to create a bespoke carbon footprint report for your business. We can help finance everything from new lighting to building insulation and from renewable energy to more energy-efficient industrial processes. Whatsmore, repayments are typically structured to be less than the cost savings, so you start saving money (and carbon) from day one.

Our retrofit coordinators support you from start to finish, enabling you to outsource the expertise and delivery to Smarter Carbon.

The resultant carbon reductions from the installed measures can be captured into a UK-based carbon credits program. They are then certified and sold to Councils, SMEs and Corporations working towards net-zero, to finance the service and loan fund.


Smarter Carbon is a 100% not-for-profit community interest company who is committed to community wealth building. Any profits generated from the service will be reinvested in further decarbonisation projects.

“Businesses that bake carbon reduction into their strategies will see significant benefits; increased innovation, competitiveness, risk management, and growth.” 



“We fully support Smarter Carbon; it will fill a void and assist businesses to ensure that they improve their resilience and competitiveness through acting to improve their environmental performance and participate in responding to the Climate Emergency; those businesses that don’t will fail.”

Doug Eltham | Environment and Sustainability Policy Officer

“Smarter Carbon is a key service that does not currently exist. Building on the team’s years of experience and expertise, Smarter Carbon will further environmental protection measures and also ensure that the region’s green USP is strengthened, assisting in the attraction of further green-focused employers to the region. “

Dr Robin Daniels

“FSB strongly endorse Smarter Carbon and would happily support the work by advertising the scheme to local members and encouraging members to take the challenge at meetings and events. We believe the members would get much value from this offer, especially as you have highlighted the scheme is free to businesses.”

Sue Wilkinson
Development Manager Devon FSB

“An innovative programme of business support that provides detailed engagement with SMEs on their carbon footprint that leads to significant financial benefits to the business and the area as a whole as carbon savings can be reinvested in jobs, development and growth. The carbon-linked loan system is very innovative for this area, with a successful model in Wales being used as an exemplar. North Devon Council will help to ensure as many businesses in the area can sign-up for the trustmark and really contribute to our response to the climate emergency.”

Ken Miles | CEO

“Smarter Carbon would be a new and different service to any funded programme currently available. Moreover, there could be potential for the service to be a first step for a business to established accreditation such as ISO 14001 or Carbon Trust Certification.  We would look to put in place an Operational Level Agreement, to formalise our commitment to work together within the Heart of the South West Local Partnership area. “

David Hynd
Program & Partnership Manager

“Building on their years of experience and their proven expertise, which Torridge District Council has long utilised, Smarter Carbon will not only further environmental protection measures but also ensure that the region’s green USP is strengthened, assisting in the attraction of further green-focused employers to the region. This will also assist businesses to commercialise the gains around natural capital, carbon reduction and increased efficiency will give Torridge-based businesses an edge in a competitive world.”

Chris Fuller | Economic Development Officer